
Nutri-Grain Bars: Now With 10% More Speed!

Thanks to my pal Adam for this one. If there were some kind of Emmy for commercial acting (and there may well be... I have done NO research for this post), this one might win "best ensemble acting." The cast as a whole is pretty impressive, and they feel GREAT! More below the fold...

There's a lot to like about this one- the '70s 'stache on the lead guy, the guy who decides to quit his job because of his great co-worker (btw - perhaps the best throwaway gag in the whole thing is that this guy is fondling a pink lace thong at his desk), the crazy baby lady, the screaming and yelling, the gap-toothed guy who breaks his hand! It's a feast for the senses.

Seems like baby lady, though, may have contracted a case of 'Grain Rage. Isn't that what Roger Clemens is using for an excuse these days?


Nate said...

This ad disturbed the fuck out of me. I think I had nightmares about it last night.

Seriously...what the hell is up with that lady? She didn't even have a nutri-grain bar!!!

Chris said...

Maybe it's contagious?

Unknown said...

Holy mother of Mike.

I'll skirt all issues of content for a second and ask: when do you air a minute and a half commercial?

Did they sponsor a limited-interruption episode of Nash Bridges to support this crack?